Friday, February 12, 2010

huh? wher'd time go?

it's been almost a month since my last post. what?
where on earth has time gone?
speaking of where time has gone, I can't even remember. everyday is so busy, but nothing too extravagant happens everyday. it's just so tiring to listen so intently to japanese all day long, but i love it here. time is going to fast and i don't want to leave! we have to book our flight dates with the travel agent in two days, greeeattt. i don't wanna leave!
even though, i feel like i've hit a wall with the language. i try to hard and still cant speak properly and writing and reading is killer.. even though i try so hard, it just doesn't come easy. and i definitely had a breakdown over that a few days ago - along with having my first catfight in japanese with a friend over the fact that i didn't help sweep the classroom one day out of the past six months.
im moving to my FOURTH host family today! time has been flying so fast - and i've accumulated so much luggage. i think i have just about double what i came with. crap. i feel so embarrassed!
so, the olympics are in canada - and i feel so patriotic about it. i love canada so much and am glad that people are finally going to pay attention to it a little more :) watch the opening ceremonies? they were amazing! it was cool to see all the countries and realize i have a friend in so many places - i love exchange students! the world is so big, yet so small. there are so many more places that i want to go to, and as soon as i can. theres so many more languages i want to learn and cultures that i want to experience. it just sucks that my wallet isnt deep enough for these dreams of mine. anyone wanna hook me up with some lucky lottery numbers? thanks.

anyyyway, i don't feel like writing anymore - but i should update more. soo, i will do that another day. i move to my new host family in twentttyyyyy minutes! scary, but exciting as always. wish me luck?


ps. i can't believe i was in temagami a year ago - it seems like just yesterday we were all getting ready to go out on exchange and didn't even know what country we were going to. now we're all off and out in the world becoming new people for the year. time flies.. make every moment a good one eh :)

pps. valentines day in japan is very different - girls only give chocolate to boys?