I can't believe it's been a month! Time has gone by so fast.
School is still fun, but very boring at times. I draw a lot, and its funny because so does everyone else. I do it because I can't understand, but they make bracelets and draw disney characters for eachother all day long!
Im starting to pick up the language much more, and people are noticing. I've got a LONG way to go, but I start lessons in October so that should help.
School on Saturday is so weird for me. I mean, it's friday and Im here, about to go to bed early because I'm exhausted from the first 5 days of school this week.
People here shave their eyebrows, by the way. They're usually just short and spiky and they get them tattooed on or they use make-up. Different..
Another thing is the amount of socks here is cool. There are stores entirely devoted to just socks! You can get socks with anything on them, it's cool!
I had my rotary welcome party on Wednesday. It was cute, I met 3 more of my host families. One wasn't there though. The food was good, I actually love fish. Its hard to make a good impression on the Rotarians though when your Japanese is so bad.. ugh..
The food I've had this week has been great. I had Tempura last week, SO GOOD. I tried yakisoba yesterday, yum. Japanese food is great! Even sweet potato ice cream is great :) But fruits and vegetables here are super expensive. I mean 158Y for an apple is crazy.
Anyway questions? Anything? Leave me a comment! I don't know if anyone is really interested in my blog anyway! hahah
亜朱里 <-- my kanjii name!
heeey your blog is awesome, ive actually been reading it :) we dont really know eachother but you went to my school haha sorry if that sounds creepy? i have you on FB though, my names sonya runco :) its so sick that youre in japan for a year, good luck with everything!
Your kanji name means "Sub-red neighbourhood"
Wow, I just found this blog. Can't believe it took so long, hmm... Well, keep having fun and all that, and tell me when you come to Kyoto!! I go to Kyoto practically every weekend cause it's only, like, 20 minutes away, IT'S FABULOUS :D I'd love to show you around some time! Although I think clothes are even more expensive there than normal, sigh.
Teresa (from the plane)
My name is Japanese is 時江富・角 jiefu kado (no "je" in kanji) it means [time][large river][wealth] [edge]
Also, the second kanji in your name is a certian type of red; cinnabar. Normal red is 赤. And the last one is also an old unit of measure something like three or four km.
im soooo, jealous!!!! I am english, and completeley in love with Japan, you are sooooooooo lucky!!!! Please please, if you get this post a repl and if its ok, i have a few questions :) ty and good luck
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