The past two days havent had super exciting events, but I guess there are some things worth telling.
Yesterday I went to my new school to get fitted for uniforms. So basically, I walk into the school and there's about 800 medals and trophies hanging in the cases. Uhm, legendary?

So I get into the room, and my host sister Mayuka was translating and helping me out, and there was also the rotarian who drove us there and then the admins from the school. My teacher seems so sweet and nice! She was very helpful and gave me a tour of the school and everything. But fitting my uniforms, oh my gosh..
So basically the uniforms in Japan have uniform shoes,
because you have to take your shoes off when you enter a building. So they were fitting me for my shoe size. Yeah, size 9 Canadian doesn't even exist in Japan. They have to special order my shoes for me.. Another thing is that Japanese uniforms are VERY expensive. For a girl, for one article of each item of uniform is about $800 in total. I'm very glad my Rotary club is paying for that!
Then they gave me a sheet with the classes I will be taking. I guess I didn't get to pick - because in Japan they start school in April, so I'm joining a class that already sta
rted. Also, in Japan you study with the same kids in your class for everything. An
d school on Saturday, (optional for me) but one
can take japanese tea ceremony or cooking or things like that. I don't know what I will take, but I get to decide next week. Japanese cooking might be nice, then at least I will have a useable skill..
Today I went out with my host mom to look for cell phones. "takaii" means expensive. I don't know what phone I will get yet, but hopefully one that doesn't cost me Y70, 000! The technology here is really cool. Watching hd tv on your cell? possible.
I met up with some other exchange students in Kanazawa at
Kanazawa station today - Jared, Sandy and Michael (if you're reading this, hey :)! ) The station itself has such cool architecture! and the fountain at the from spells out "welcome" and the time in little water fountains. Twas neat.
Right next to the station is a 7 story
shopping mall. Can you say heaven? The fashion here is INCREDIBLE. Clothes were absolutely gorgeous, but very very expensive. So when people here see that you have a lot of clothes, they think you are rich - but its only because clothes here cost an arm and a leg for nice stuff. But I don't think I will be able to help myself, Japan fashion is just way too cool! Plus, everyday I have to walk through a fashion district of Kanazawa to get to school.. so Im pretty sure I'm going to buy a lot.
Jared, myself and Michael took the bus (which by the way, you are supposed to be quiet on. and its rude to have your cell on loud or to talk loud on the bus) to Korinbo (basically the centre point of downtown) and we went restaurant hunting and found a delightful little soba noodle restaurant, which was basically sooo oiishi. (remember what that means? delicious!) Then we went for a green tea donut at 'mister donut'. I'm absolutely loving Japan. The food and the culture - just everything about it! Green tea flavoured everything also isn't too shabby!
We all went our separate ways to go home, so I took the bus home by myself for the first time. Plus it was dark - so I almost got off on the wrong stop, which would have been a disaster because the stop I have to get off at was about 6 stops after that. Plus it was raining, in the middle of no where and my Japanese isn't very good yet! Its just that the kanjii symbol (the complicated chinese characters you see meshed with japanese characters) for my stop matched the other stop too..
Its very very hot here I find. I'm looking forward to Autumn, so it won't be quite so hot! I'm also looking forward to school on Tuesday and meeting the rest of the exchange students on Sunday.
Questions? Concerns? Anything? Drop me comment :)
ps. daily ridiculous english on a japanese article of clothing:
Hey :)
I don't like the green tea doughnuts. I remeber getting sized and meeting my teacher and despite being put in a class, I kept requesting to be put in a math or physics class so that I could do the work. That was what turned school around for me. 3-8 was my favourite class. Being the geek I am, I got along grat with the Japanese otaku.
How is it different then in u.s.a because am going to be a forieg student to but I don't know anything about it just that whet you been saying is that it not differet okay I understan that but what if I make a mistak how do I know.
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