Notice anything about these magazines?
No Miley Cyrus! That's right! I was very excited to come to the realization about NO MILEY CYRUS!
Until today, on the radio in my house, a miley song played.. 3 times..

I think that is the worst part about Japan so far, just hearing her song "party in the USA" intoxicate the airwaves here in Japan..
Yesterday night I went to the grocery store with my host mom. That was quite an experience! I took fruit for
granted back in Canada! It's about 1.50$ here for just one apple! Hello malnutrition. The fish aisle was not just an aisle, it was basically an entire store in itself. We walked through it and there was squid and octopus and snails and everything in between! My host mom poked a squid, it wiggled, and she exclaimed "yum, fresh!" hahahah..
A lot of things are similar, but a lot of things are different about the food here. For example, the frosted flakes are the same here (but in Japanese) but they have different TYPES of things, like fruit! My host mom bought a package of awkward pear shaped fruits that they only have in Japanese. I have yet to try one, but I will let you know how they taste when I get to eat it..
An update on the toilets.. I still have no idea how to work them! There are so many buttons and knobs and at the back, it looks like a sink but I'm not sure what to do with it because I'm afraid I would be washing my hands in toilet water or something gross.. There are two different flushing modes, but I don't know the difference so I've just been alternating between the two modes each time, trying to figure out a difference (there is none that I can tell..)
My host mom speaks English, same with my one host sister. They were both exchange students to Ontario, Canada! They have a lot of Canadian stuff in their house which is nice! My other host sister does not speak English, and I speak no Japanese as of yet, so we don't communicate..
I haven't been outside my house yet much. I want to go explore, but I'm afraid of getting lost, because I'm alone. Everyone is out of the house! I also don't really know WHERE in Kanazawa I am, because apparently its split into different sections. I don't think I'm close to any exchange students either.. hopefully I can figure that out soon! I'm a tad lonely..
Anyway, if you guys have any questions about Japan, let me know. I'd love to inform you / discover something new myself !
Hi there.
I've always been interested in Japan since a young age, and recently I've been wanting to become an exchange student there myself.
I saw people had been making blogs about their stay in Japan, so I then began searching for more and more blogs until I came across yours -- A recent exchange student!
I just wanted to say I'll be following you and reading about your stay in Japan. I hope you have a wonderful time there, and I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions myself in the future.
P.S. The sink at the top of the toilet you use to wash your hands. The water is clean, no worries. And the water that you used to wash your hands is put into the tank thingy to flush waste down the toilet.
I'm not sure what happens if you don't wash your hands. (The Japanese frequently wash their hands, so I'm guessing that they always use that sink and never worry about it.)
As for those "modes" you were talking about -- Many toilets have two kinds of flush.
小 - small
大 - large
The lever (or button, if that's what yours looks like) is what you use to change it from small to large. The difference between them is the amount of water used. The 'small' is used for "small excretion", or, to put it blunt, pee. And the large is for you-know-what.
I'm not sure what your toilet looks like, so sorry if I'm wrong. But this does sound like the case. xD
-- Alexandra
Oh wow!
Thanks so much! That's actually really helpful. I just kept forgetting to look it up / was too embarrassed to ask!
Yes, ask questions anytime :) I would love to discover an answer for you!
hahah the best way to find out what the buttons are is to try them!
Hi I really like your blog. I've always been interested in Japan! Anime and the culture. And have been trying to learn Japanese using Rossetta Stone( greatest birthday gift ever ) and various other resources. I just started high school this year and have discovered the Rotary Youth Exchange. I had always wanted to study abroad but Nacel was not an option to the price and I would have to go to France. since my discovery of Rotary I have been trying to convince my parents to let me go study a year in Japan next year or the year after. Do you have any tips or helpful information? Thank You Sincerely Bree
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