Today was nice! I visited the Sea of Japan in Fukoi prefecture with my host mom and Mayuka. It was breathtaking! The road up to the sea had a bunch of little shops which sold things from trinkets for your cellphone (fyi, everyone has a trinket on the strap of their cellphone .. from hello kitty to a plastic vegetable), to squid on a stick!
When we got to the sea, we took a boat ride around the shore. I understood none of the tour though, considering I know no Japanese. But the sea was "kireii" which means beautiful.
Then we went to a Japanese noodle bar in F
ukoi. It was "oishii" which means delicious. I had "tempura soba".. but I couldn't eat it all, it was huge! They serve you cold green tea with every meal I have
come to conclude.. green tea is called "ocha".
After that we went to a big mall, called "the lovely partner".. awkard name..

There were a lot of shops from a grocery store to stationary to clothing. There were a few shops with beautiful clothing, but way too expensive for my budget in the first week of coming here. My host mom told me I had to buy a "bento" box, for my lunches every day. So we went around the mall looking for one. I basically bought the most childish thing ever, consisting of a box with chopsticks ad matching bag. the design? It's like, a cartoon rabbit called miffy and it's orange and probably made for three year olds. But that's okay.. I guess..
The amount of Hello Kitty things in every store still amazes me. There's EVERYTHING Hello Kitty, personally I'm not into it but I mean, it's surprising that they can make so much with the same character.
Another thing I noticed about Japan is that everything you buy is wrapped up in a bad with a sticker and given to you like a little gift. I really appreciate it! But I'm disliking when the lovely casheirs / service people give me my purchase all wrapped up beautifully, say something in Japanese and I have to stare at them like a loser because I have no idea what they said.. I can't wait for Japanese to become less 'noise' and more 'language'!
Tomorrow I am going to my school and buying my uniforms and setting up my classes! I'm pretty excited about the uniforms, only because they look super Japanese and sailor-moon like. I will for sure upload a picture when I get mine.
For now? Oyasui Nasai! (which means good night!)
PS. I absolutely love the English on products here..
Clothing has English saying, and they seldom make sense. Mayuka's boyfriend wore a shirt the other day that said "will show you how to dead" and a shirt today in a store said "long skirt holiday trip". Plus, look at these pictures..
"Whenever you use as you like in favourite colours"
"Lets keep our town beautiful. Therefore, it is important to keep our hearts beautiful first of all"
There's more, but that's just making the Japanese look stupid.. and I would feel bad.
EVERYWHERE the English is weird. Frickin EVERYWHERE. I laugh everyday.
For the record, ocha just means "tea" in general.
im glad i know english as my first language :)
but kocha means black tea!
ughhh ! i want a bin like that !
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